Reorder my books in ibooks
Reorder my books in ibooks

reorder my books in ibooks

You should select “Offer Your Books for Free” if you only want to offer books for free on the iBooks Store. What is the difference between “Offer Your Books for Free” and “Offer Your Books for Free and Sell Your Books”? As soon as your application is approved and you have accepted the iBooks Store agreement, contact us to request a name change. tax ID and Tax ID Type (such as SSN, ITIN, or EIN).


Can I use a Doing Business As (DBA) name as the legal entity name?īefore we can update the legal entity name on your iTunes Connect account to your DBA, you must first sign up with the exact legal entity name that is associated with your U.S. Only individuals with this legal authority can accept the standard iTunes agreement on iTunes Connect. Someone with the legal authority to sign documents on behalf of your company should apply to offer books on the iBooks Store. Who should apply to offer books on the iBooks Store on behalf of my company? Tax ID and Tax ID type (such as SSN, ITIN, or EIN). The legal entity name you enter on your application must match the name associated with your U.S. If you’re signing up as an individual, enter your first and last name. If you’re registered as a company, enter the company’s legal entity name. Should I use my own name or my company’s name as the legal entity name? To edit the name associated with your Apple ID, go to. Make sure that you have entered the correct Apple ID. What do I do if I get an error message that my name does not match the name for the Apple ID? If you are selling other content types on iTunes (such as apps, music, or movies) and have another iTunes Connect account, you can’t use the same Apple ID for the iBooks Store. If you don’t have an Apple ID, you can create one using iTunes by clicking Sign In and then Create Apple ID. You can use the same Apple ID you use to sign in to your iTunes Store account. Yes, to use iTunes Connect, you must have an Apple ID with a valid credit card on file. Do I need an Apple ID to offer my books on the iBooks Store? You will then be sent an email with a link to verify your email address and enable your iTunes Connect account. To offer your books on the iBooks Store, enable your Apple ID for iTunes Connect, provide your publisher name, and indicate whether you will be submitting your own books or submitting books on behalf of a company. How can I sign up to offer my books on the iBooks Store? The iBooks Store currently offers books in 51 territories: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Venezuela. Additional details on iBooks Store sales terms are available during the sign-up process. Offering your books on the iBooks Store is free. How much does it cost to sign up to offer my books on the iBooks Store? Yes, signup and distribution processes are the same for both publishing companies and self-published authors. I can get everything I need on just one device which is super convenient.Can I distribute self-published books on the iBooks Store? I love not having to carry around a bunch of different laptops, phones, eReaders, etc. Any important documents from work, or even industry whitepapers, I can just upload and then view on my iPhone or iPad. What I also love is that I can get pdf’s on iBooks as well. I really enjoy the look of the app too, I can organize all my books in my library in the order that I want, and I never have to scroll around looking for a book or document. When I travel for business I do not want to be carrying books around in my luggage – especially now with all the extra weight and size fees they are hitting us with! So, for me, iBooks is a life saver. Having an interface to use to be able to read my books on the go is a must for me. I’m a huge reader, I usually have at least one book (and sometimes more) being read at a time. Have A Mobile Library In Your Pocket With iBooks

Reorder my books in ibooks